November 14, 2016 admin

14th – 18th November

Happy Science Week everyone!! This week at The Children’s House we’ll be doing a lot of experiments throughout the week – from using a handboiler to show how liquids turn into gas with heat; to making ‘goop’ – mixing cornstarch with water to show how a mixture can have the properties of a solid or a liquid depending on the pressure exerted on it; demonstrating how different liquids have different densities using honey, water, oil, which will sit in layers; using a weighing scales to illustrate heavy vs light; making ‘explosions’ using vinegar & baking soda….all this and many other activities such as using magnification aids (magnifying glasses, microscopes, telescopes), and going for a discovery walk outdoors with notebooks for any note-taking! Children are born with a natural curiousity about how things work in their world and they love to experiment and discover in their environment – their questions should be encouraged as their potential as scientists is unlimited!!

Frere Jacques

Frère Jacques, Frère Jacques,
Dormez vous? Dormez vous?
Sonnez les matines, sonnez les matines,
Ding dang dong, ding dang dong!

Are you sleeping? Are you sleeping?

Brother John, Brother John.

Morning bells are ringing, morning bells are ringing,

Ding dang dong, ding dang dong!