February 24, 2020 admin

24th – 28th February

Welcome back, we hope you all had a lovely break over the mid-term! This week we will be continuing on the topic of recycling, so we will be asking the children to bring in something from home that we can use for recycling arts & crafts – e.g. egg boxes, milk cartons, kitchen rolls, cereal boxes, newspaper, string – the list is endless! We will be doing yoga at the end of the week, and of course, on Tuesday we will be making stacks of delicious pancakes for Shrove/Pancake Tuesday, mmmmm…….

Ten Green Bottles (with Lámh signs)

Ten green bottles sitting on the wall,
Ten green bottles sitting on the wall,
And if one green bottle should accidentally fall…
There’ll be nine green bottles sitting on the wall!

Nine green bottles sitting on the wall…