April 24, 2016 admin

25th – 29th April

It’s all about recycling this week in The Children’s House!! After a great week last week learning all about dental hygiene, this week we will be focusing on care of the environment and our earth, through educating ourselves on the importance of recycling and reusing. We will be looking at familiar objects that the children might see in their own homes and discussing how they can recycle or reuse them, e.g. a shoebox could store small toys, or be made into a puppet theatre, and later in the week we will be making our own paper!

Reduce, reuse, recycle (tune of The More We Get Together)

Reduce, reuse, recycle, recycle, recycle,
Reduce, reuse, recycle,
It’s easy to do.
For your world is my world,
And my world is your world,
Reduce, reuse, recycle,
It’s easy to do!