Back to School!!

We are SO glad to be getting back to some sort of normality next week, & to be able to spend time with your children is going to be a real pleasure, & something that we are really thankful for!
Just to remind you that in order to promote everyone’s health & safety, we will be spending a lot more time outside – which is a wonderful side effect to this pandemic!! To this end, please ensure that your child has weather appropriate clothes so they will be comfortable outdoors.
Please also ensure that they bring a change of clothes with them to school on the first day clearly labelled in a ziplock bag, which we will keep stored away safely for them.
We will need you as parents to sign off on the Parent & Child Documentation which we previously emailed you before your child can attend preschool, & from then on we are in an agreement with you that unwell children will not be sent in to school, while at the same time we are ensuring your children’s health & safety when they are in school to the best of our abilities.
We are implementing designated entry & exit points for the classes, & a staggered drop off & collection time for the first week at least, to allow time to settle in small groups of children – some children might be upset that parents can’t come into school with them, so we want to allow time to settle a few children at a time instead of all at once.
It will be a very different way of starting back to school, but once we get used to the new way of doing things I have no doubt that we will be back in no time to enjoying watching your children learn & thrive in the environment that we have prepared for them to start developing to their full & fantastic potential!!

Open Day!

We are holding our open day on Monday 31st August, from 9.30 until 1.30 – by appointment only!

Please confirm your appointment, come in, view the school with your children and meet the teachers!

Classes will be resuming on Wednesday 2nd September,

with staggered drop off & collection times for the first week or so to settle in the children.

Please bring in a change of clothes in clearly labelled ziplock bag for your child,

& ensure they are wearing weather appropriate clothes as we will be spending half the class time outdoors!!

Can’t wait to see you all!!