3rd – 7th March

This week in The Children’s House we will be marking Shrove Tuesday by making pancakes (yum!!), celebrating World Book Day on Thursday by asking the children to bring in their favourite books to read with us – & if any family member is free to come in to read with us, all the better!!

We will also be progressing with our group project – the world map – and learning about North America this week! The children will be tracing their own continents & painting them, & then we are going to do some really creative art inspired by the North American artist Jackson Pollock; he was an innovative painter who introduced the idea of “action painting” by putting his canvases on the floor or leaning against a wall, & used a “drip technique” letting paint drip onto the canvas from the can, he also used knives trowels & sticks instead of a paintbrush. The children are going to make a joint group art creation together on Thursday, & then their own individual works of art on Friday – it will be wonderful process art!!

5 Little Ducks (using Lámh to sign)

5 little ducks went swimming one day,
Over the hills & far away,
Mama duck said ‘quack, quack, quack’,
And only 4 little ducks came back!

4 little ducks….3….2….

1 little duck went swimming one day,
Over the hills & far away,
Mama duck said went ‘quack, quack, quack’,
And all her 5 little ducks came back!