The Children’s House is closed for summer holidays until Open Day on Mon 3rd September,
re-opening on Wednesday 5th September for classes –
have a fantastic summer everyone!!
The Children’s House is closed for summer holidays until Open Day on Mon 3rd September,
re-opening on Wednesday 5th September for classes –
have a fantastic summer everyone!!
It’s the last few days of the school year at The Children’s House, and we’ve got mixed emotions about it!!! We’re going to miss those children who are heading on to ‘big school’, but at the same time are so excited for them and also very proud of them and all the growing they’ve done in their time with us – their new teachers are going to love them, and are very lucky to be getting them in their classes – and we’re delighted that so many children will be returning to us in September for another year, and look forward to it already!
This short week will be spent doing activities that the children have chosen themselves; after some discussion last week it was decided that they would like to set up the classrooms for next year (!) as well as doing cooking, so they will be making buns on Wednesday, and will also be doing some drama – the big bad wolf poem as below.
We would like to thank you all for helping us and your children throughout the year – whether by coming in to do activities, or coming on nature walks/ sports day/ school tour etc, or coming into school with your child to celebrate their birthday with us, or in general just by being such a supportive positive part of your child’s preschool experience! It’s been a privelege to teach these children throughout the year – thank you for trusting your precious little people to our care.
The Big Bad Wolf
I’m a big bad wolf and I look for things to eat –
I don’t like leaves and berries; I only like meat!
I see those little piggies – am I dreaming, or awake?
Those chubby little creatures…
What a dinner they will make!!
Welcome to the last full week of the year in The Children’s House!! The year has gone by so fast it’s hard to believe we’re at the end of the school year already, but we’re going to make the most of it and have a wonderful week – to start with, the Garda mounted unit are going to be at the GAA pitch on Monday so please make sure to come down if you can and see the beautiful, amazingly trained horses that are used by the Gardai, then we will be finishing off the children’s All About Me books during the week as well as finishing the music project, revising dynamics, and at the end of the week doing music exercises and games such as musical statues – it’s going to be a lot of fun!
This week at The Children’s House we will be having an awful lot of excitement as on Tuesday it’s Pyjama Day!! We will be raising money for Down Syndrome Ireland, which is a great cause and close to our heart. We will also be making crafts for Fathers Day, philosophising with the children about the importance of change – whether it’s changing classrooms for next year or transitioning to primary school – and then at the end of the week we will be making pizzas and having a teddy bears’ picnic!! It’s all go!!!
Teddy Bears’ Picnic
If you go down to the woods today,
You’re sure of a big surprise…
If you go down to the woods today,
You’d better go in disguise!
For all the bears that ever there was,
Will gather there for certain,
Because today’s the day the
Teddy bears have their picnic!
It’s all about language this week at The Children’s House; the children will be making nursery rhyme books, and we will be promoting language through songs, rhymes and stories – one of these stories will be about the worry dolls, which the children will then make. These are a traditional Guatemalan peg doll that the children can confide their worries in and the dolls are meant to take the worries away. We always reiterate to the children that they should always tell their parents/guardians/teachers about their worries, but if for instance they are awake in the middle of the night and need a bit of comfort, the worry dolls are a lovely support.
Sometimes at this time of year, some children might feel a bit worried or stressed about the imminent change on their horizon of transitioning to primary school, and this is a good way to bring up the topic of how we deal with stress and worries. All year long we have been promoting the idea of emotional self-regulation, for example by asking the children when upset ‘what might help you feel better?’, to encourage them to look for solutions themselves when they find themselves in emotionally stressful situations, and give them the confidence to know they can help themselves.
ABC Song
A, b, c, d, e, f, g…
H, i, j, k , l, m, n, o, p…
Q, r, s… t, u, v…w, x, y and z…
Now I know my a, b, c…
Next time won’t you sing with me?!
What a wonderful time we had last week visiting Lullymore Heritage and Discovery Farm – the school trips were a great success! We will be bringing the older children on a visit to Sallins primary school where we get a little tour of some of the school – we are shown the library, fish tank, the playground full of children at break time, and we get to see one of the junior infants classes and learn vital information such as where the toilets are! Children can often become nervous at the thoughts of transitioning from the safety of preschool, and we find the visit to ‘big school’ really does a lot to reassure the children about this change, and opens up lots of conversations about it. Also, learning seemingly unimportant facts such as the location of the toilets can take the stress away from children about having to ask their teacher in school if they are shy or embarrassed about these sort of things. It is an exciting time for your children and we always focus on the positivity of this step in their journey in learning, even though we are dreading them finishing up with us as we will miss them so much!!
Also this week the children will be doing more of their All About Me photo books, as well as participating in our annual Sports Day down at the GAA pitch, which is always the best fun!!
Elsie The Elephant
Elsie the elephant loves to play,
She is musical and big and grey,
She is good at singing ‘Mi, Re, Do’,
That’s why the little children love her so!
It’s school tours week this week in The Children’s House!! After learning all about road safety last week, we will be revising our safety rules on Monday and then the morning classes will visit Lullymore Heritage and Discovery Farm on Tuesday, while the afternoon classes will have their trip on Friday. Please ensure that your child brings a packed lunch, is wearing weather appropriate clothes…and it looks like you will have to apply sun cream before they go!
During their trip to Lullymore Heritage and Discovery Farm, the children will go on a train trip through the Bog of Allen, visit the pet farm to look at real live animals such as alpacas, pygmy goats, Kerry bog ponies, sheep, rabbits, chickens, pot-bellied pigs and Falabella miniature horses, have a guided tour through the wooded area and fairy village, and play in the outdoor/indoor play area as weather dictates, as well as picnicking there, and of course the main event – going on the bus!! We’ve been going to Lullymore for several years on our school trip and find it a wonderful place to visit, with so many areas of interest to the children, and really lovely staff.
The Wheels on the Bus
The wheels on the bus go round & round,
Round & round, round & round,
The wheels on the bus go round & round,
All day long!
The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish…
The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep…
The doors on the bus go open & shut, open & shut, open & shut…
The driver on the bus says ‘move on back’, ‘move on back’, ‘move on back’…
The babies on the bus say ‘wah wah wah’, ‘wah wah wah’, ‘wah wah wah’…
The mammies on the bus say ‘shush shush shush’, ‘shush shush shush’, ‘shush shush shush ‘…
This week we will be learning all about road safety in The Children’s House, in preparation for our school tours next week! We will be revising how we cross the road safely, using listening and visual skills, and playing ‘I Spy’ and listening games to practice using these senses. As well as this the children will be doing some gardening – planting a vertical garden!!
It’s also Grandparents Week this week, so we are asking any grandparents who have some spare time to come in and spend some of the class with your grandchildren – they would really love to have you in their classroom and show you off to their friends, as well as answer questions about your childhood – things like what your favourite toy or game was when you were their age, what your school was like etc – relating to things that are in their lives.
This Is The Way We Cross The Road (tune of Mulberry Bush)
This is the way we cross the road,
Cross the road, cross the road;
This is the way we cross the road,
We stop, look and listen.
We stand on the kerb and look both ways,
Look both ways, look both ways;
We stand on the kerb and look both ways,
Before we cross the road.
We stand on the kerb and listen hard,
Listen hard, listen hard;
We stand on the kerb and listen hard,
Before we cross the road.
It’s lifecycle week in The Children’s House this week – chickens, owls, butterflies, swallows, apples….we’re doing them all!! The children will be looking at the stages of different plants and animals, and examining how life begins and ends in the world around them, as well as doing some associated arts and crafts related to the lifecycles. For added excitement, we have some live additions to the classrooms this week – a ‘butterfly garden’!! This is an educational kit containing live caterpillars in a clear plastic cup which contains all of the nutritious food they need – the cup is placed safely away from direct sunlight, and the caterpillars will remain in the cup and will eat, spin silk and grow to TEN times their original size….After seven to ten days they will hang upside down and harden into chrysalides (chrysalides are also known as pupae). Once the chrysalides have hardened, we will move them to the pop-up butterfly habitat which is a cylindrical mesh container perfect for up close butterfly viewing! It will take about seven to ten more days for them to complete the transformation to adult butterflies, and will be a wonderful process for the children to observe!!
The White Birds (by W B Yeats)
I would that we were, my beloved, white birds on the foam of the sea!
We tire of the flame of the meteor, before it can fade and flee;
And the flame of the blue star of twilight, hung low on the rim of the sky,
Has awakened in our hearts, my beloved, a sadness that may not die.