Unbelievably, it’s the last few days of the school year already – what a fast year it’s been!!! We’ve had such a wonderful year with your fantastic children – thank you all so much firstly for entrusting us with your children, it’s been a real privilege to facilitate them in their learning, and secondly thank you for all your ongoing participation and support in that learning, and for all the input you’ve given to us in the school! We’ve had so many visits from family members – parents, grandparents, siblings – you’ve been a big part of your child’s year whether helping out with our school tour, sponsored walk, primary school visit, or coming into school to be part of your children’s day – it’s meant so much to the children as well as us staff, so thank you, as it has added hugely to all of our experiences this year!!
So onto this short week! We will be having lots of fun & games – musical statues, sports activities, yoga – and in between we’ll be spending precious time with your children before they head off for the summer; it’s not an easy thing to say goodbye to all the little people who are moving on to ‘big’ school after spending the last 2 years getting to know them and being part of their wonderful journey of growth & learning, but they’re ready for that step, and it’s an exciting time for them and for us all! We’re so happy to be welcoming a lot of children back for their second year in September, which is always some consolation! If you don’t have a child returning in the near future, we hope that you & your child will continue to visit any time – and this year we had several secondary school students on TY work experience who were ex-pupils of the Montessori, so there’s no excuses – we can always find a space for your children! ❤️❤️
The Children’s House will be closing on Wednesday 26th June for summer holidays,
re-opening Wednesday 28th August
– have a wonderful summer everyone, and thanks for another wonderful year!!
24th – 26th June August 28th, 2024admin