20th – 24th November

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! We will be learning all about this lovely North American celebration in The Children’s House this week, as it falls on this Thursday. It is a wonderful opportunity to focus on things that we are thankful for in our lives, and to gently remind the children to be aware of the fact that not everyone in the world has food, or a home, or even a family, and to be grateful for all of those things; it is a really positive celebration!

It’s also College Awareness Week, so will be talking to the children about their journey of learning – which starts as soon as they are born – with their parents/guardians at home, with us in preschool, then primary,secondary, third-level….To link into their home environment, we are asking that family members also give us information about where they went on their journeys of learning, and if they have photos from graduations to please send us in copies to display on our Timeline of Lifelong Learning!

Let’s Be Thankful (tune of Twinkle Twinkle)

Let’s be thankful for this day,
For our friends and for our play.
Let’s be thankful, let’s be glad,
For the food and things we have.
Let’s give thanks for you and me,
And our home and family!

13th – 17th November

This week we’ll be planting bulbs for the spring time, talking about the change of season from Autumn to Winter, doing yoga, and learning all about Diwali, the festival of lights which originated in India, which starts this year on Sunday 12th November. This is a wonderful occasion which celebrates the triumph of good over evil, and light over darkness; we will be learning about all the different preparations and rituals that are practised at this time.

During the week the children will be colouring in rangoli (an Indian art form in which patterns are created on the floor or the ground using materials such as colored rice, dry flour, colored sand or flower petals, usually done during Hindu festivals), and also making their own lanterns and decorating them – some lovely art, gardening and culture this week!

My Garden

This is my garden, I’ll plant it with care,
Here are the seeds I’ll plant in there.
The sun will shine, the rain will fall,
The seeds will sprout and grow up tall!

The Snowman

There was a little snowman who had a carrot nose,
Along came a rabbit, and what do you suppose?
That hungry little rabbit, looking for his lunch,
Ate the snowman’s carrot nose….
Nibble, nibble, crunch!!!

6th- 10th November

We are starting our group project this week, & are VERY excited about it!! It is all about Flat Stanley – the story of Stanley who got squashed as flat as a pancake, & can now handily travel all around the world folded up in an envelope!! This leads us to a fun geography project that your children can take part in – they will be getting their own Flat Stanley, who can be posted to anyone they know who lives in a different part of the world, whether it’s Timbuktu or Tipperary!! We’re hoping that Stanley will return with lots of pictures & little notes recording where he’s been in the world, & then the children can record it on the map in their classroom.

Along with this, we will be discussing the postal system, how we use stamps, who we know who live in different parts of the world, what different parts of the world are like – how they’re alike/different to where we live at the moment.

Flat Stanley Song

Once upon a time when I was asleep,
A bulletin board came crashing down on me,
I thought it was a dream but it’s a fact –
That when I woke up I was completely flat!

Chorus: They call me Flat Stanley, I’m ready to go,
From The Children’s House to Mexico*,
Just put me in an envelope nice & flat,
And send me in the post it’s as simple as that!

Now being flat is not as bad as it seems,
You can do stuff that’s in your dreams,
Slide under doors or fly like a kite –
Being flat is quite alright!

Chorus * – change Mexico to Tokyo

I love to have adventures far and wide,
Just write a letter & I’ll jump inside,
I don’t need to travel by plane or boat –
I travel the world straight through the post!

Chorus * – change Tokyo to Ohio

They call me Flat Stanley, as flat as a pancake
Being flat is really great!!

23rd – 27th October

Happy Halloween everyone!! We’re doing all things spooky this week at The Children’s House!! The children will be enjoying pumpkin carving, learning about parts of the pumpkin & making sensory bags from the pulp – nice & messy!!! Later in the week we will be doing pumpkin hammering, q-tip painting, and at the end of the week we will be having our Halloween party, so the children are welcome to come in dressed up as scary as they like!!

5 Little Pumpkins

Five little pumpkins sitting on a gate,                                       (hold up 5 fingers)
The 1st one said “Oh my, it’s getting late!”                               (put hands to cheeks)
The 2nd one said “There are witches in the air,”                     (flutter fingers above head)
The 3rd one said “but we don’t care!”                                        (shake head)
The 4th one said “Let’s run and run and run.”                         (mime running with arms)

The 5th one said “I’m ready for some fun!”                               (thumbs up)
Then ‘Oooo’ went the wind, and out went the lights…           (clap hands)
And the five little pumpkins rolled out of sight!                      (roll arms)

16th – 20th October

This week at The Children’s House we will be focussing on our emotions for the week! Sometimes young children can find it hard to express how they are feeling, and naming and discussing those feelings, and how it is appropriate to deal with them, can be very helpful to them. For this reason, we will firstly be looking at different emotions (e.g. happy, sad, angry, lonely, loved, jealous), recognising them in ourselves and talking about what we do when we feel like that. We will be practising relaxation techniques like yoga and deep breathing, expressing emotions through making & using emotion masks, and discussing appropriate vs inappropriate ways of expressing emotions – emotional regulation is a huge thing for young children to learn, so we try to support them in this in preschool as much as we can.

During the week we will be making a worry box with each of the classes – this is a box that we decorate together, and if any of the children are worried about something, we write it down on a piece of paper and put it into the box until the child decides that they’re not worried about it anymore, whereupon they can tear it up and put it in the recycling bin! This gives a very real representation to the children that worries are temporary things, which come and go, so it can help to put anxieties they may have to rest.

If You’re Happy & You Know It

If you’re happy & you know it clap your hands,
If you’re happy & you know it clap your hands,
If you’re happy & you know it & you really want to show it –
If you’re happy & you know it clap your hands!

If you’re sad & you know it wipe your tears…
If you’re angry & you know it stamp your feet…
If you’re scared & you know it say ‘oh no’…
If you’re happy & you know it shout ‘hooray!!’

9th – 13th October

The children are going to be doing lots about gardening this week, and we will be discussing what we can grow in our gardens – whether they are enormous, or as small as a window box! – as well as making stewed apple later in the week, and doing a frozen flowers sensory tray, and contact flower designing – a very creative week ahead!!

As well as this, we will be doing our monthly fire drill, so the children get used to it & are nice & calm & know what to do if the alarm goes off at any stage.

The Farmer Plants the Seed

The farmer plants the seed,
The farmer plants the seed,
Hi ho the cherry-o,
The farmer plants the seed!

The sun begins to shine…,
The rain begins to fall…
The plants begin to grow…
The flowers smile at us…

2nd – 6th October

It’s all about road safety this week at The Children’s House, so we will be doing many safety activities during the week, such as practising crossing the road safely (stop look & listen), doing a traffic light game, a car wash, learning about different road signs as well as various associated arts & crafts activities. Teaching children about road safety from a young age is very important – especially living in places with lots of commuting traffic such as Sallins or Naas – so developing habits such as wearing high vis jackets, holding hands crossing the road, and remembering to stop look & listen when crossing are something we can help to reinforce from preschool age.

The Wheels on the Bus

The wheels on the bus go round & round,
Round & round, round & round,
The wheels on the bus go round & round,
All through the town!

The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish…
The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep…
The doors on the bus go open & shut, open & shut, open & shut…
The driver on the bus says ‘move on back’, ‘move on back’, ‘move on back’…
The babies on the bus say ‘wah wah wah’, ‘wah wah wah’, ‘wah wah wah’…


25th – 29th September

It’s Pet Week at The Children’s House!! This week we will be learning all about the different types of pets that people have, how we look after them & their needs, and we will be doing all sorts of activities, drama and art around this topic – it’s going to be such a fun week! The children will be doing paw print art, dramatic play vet clinic, and washing animals on the sensory tray, among other things.

We are asking anyone with appropriate pets that they can safely bring to visit to do so – in the past we’ve had ferrets, snakes, geckos, dogs, lizards, chickens, hamsters….!!!

Ten Little Dogs

Ten little dogs went out one day,
To dig in the dirt & play, play, play,
Five were spotted & five were not,
And at dinner time they ate the lot!

18th – 22nd September

It’s all about Autumn this week at The Children’s House, so we will be talking about the changes that the season is bringing that the children can already notice in their world – e.g. leaves changing colour before they fall off the trees, weather getting colder, days getting shorter & nights getting longer. We will be have a sensory tray in the garden, scented playdough for printing with leaves, conkers & acorns, there will be leaf sorting & hanging up leaves Practical Life exercise in the classroom, as well as sweeping leaves activity.

Also, this week we will be doing our first fire drill, so we will be learning all about the importance of fire safety & why we practice fire drills – a busy week ahead!!

Autumn Leaves (poem)

As autumn leaves fall all around,
They make a blanket on the ground.
When winter winds begin to blow,
The root are safe from the freezing snow.

11th – 15th September

This week at The Children’s House we will be talking about families, friendship & kindness! We will focus on supporting the children to get to know each other, and to feel comfortable in their new classes, so we will be doing exercises in how to show kindness e.g. by sharing with someone, offering to help or giving a compliment…to this end, we will be practising how to give compliments in a compliment circle, so the class has to think of a nice thing to say about their friends, thus promoting empathy as well as positive self-image.

The children will also be making friendship bracelets towards the end of the week, and making a friendship poster after having a discussion about their views of what types of things that good friends do for each other!

The More We Get Together

The more we get together, together, together,
The more we get together, the happier we’ll be.
Cause your friends are my friends,
And my friends are your friends,
The more we get together, the happier we’ll be!