4th – 8th September

The first full week at The Children’s House is here, & it’s going to be a busy one!! The children will be starting their All About Me books – as part of this they will be measured to record their height at the start of the school year, which can then be compared to their height at the end of the year; they will also be doing self-portraits!

During the week the children will be coming up with classroom rules – they will be asked to think about what might be needed in order to make their classes safe & happy for all, & what they decide on together will be written down, so they have ownership of these rules. They will then be displayed up on the wall for all to see & abide by!

All of Me (poem)

My hands are for clapping, my arms can hug tight,
My fingers can snap, or turn out the light.
My legs are for jumping, my eyes help me see,
This is my body, & I love all of me!!

30th August – 1st September

A very warm welcome to The Children’s House to all our wonderful new and returning children and their families!! We have a short week to settle everyone back in, and we will be focusing on getting to know each other & the class routine, learning each others’ names, practising how we walk slowly, talk quietly, carry chairs and trays in the classroom (refining gross motor movements), and lots of songs, games, and fun activities in circle time – we really can’t wait to get to know the classes!

All of the activities in the classroom are chosen with intent & purpose depending on the children’s & class’s needs, & at this time of year many are based on refining gross & fine motor movements, especially in the Practical Life area. As an example, we might start with an activity of pouring large pasta from 1 jug to another, then rice, then progress to water when the child has mastered the rice, then pouring using a funnel, then pouring into 3 containers – introducing pre maths (division). Montessori materials & activities progress in this way from simple to complex at the child’s pace, in order to stimulate & progress their learning.

Circle Time Song

Hello everyone and how are you today?
We’ve come to our circle time to sing and laugh and play!
And when we’re up we’re up, and when we’re down we’re down,
And when we’re only halfway up we’re neither up nor down.
So roll your hands so slowly, and roll your hands so fast –
Give your hands a clap clap clap,
And place them on your lap lap lap!

Bumble Bee Song

Bumble bee, bumble bee,
Won’t you say your name for me?
(Child’s name), (child’s name),
Bumble bee, bumble bee,
Won’t you say your name for me?
(Until each child has said their name)

26th – 28th June

It’s our last week of the school term at The Children’s House – hard to believe we’re here already!! We had such a great week last week doing sports activities, having some grandparents visits, the Gardaí in their squad car visit, & having Angela do all her amazing balloon creations – it was a great way to celebrate our last full week with the children, along with sending home their All About Me books on Friday, always an emotional time for the staff….

So we’re looking forward to a lovely few days with the children before the 4 classes of 2022/23 finish up, whether they’re coming back to us in September or moving on elsewhere. We just want to thank you all as their families for being such a big part of their early education journey with us – your involvement & support has made the year all the more special for us, the staff, as well as your children. We will miss you all, & want to thank you for giving us the privelege of having the care of your most precious little people for the past year ❤️❤️❤️

The Children’s House will be closing on Wednesday 28th June for summer holidays,

re-opening Wednesday 30th August

– have a wonderful summer everyone, and thanks for another amazing year!!

5 Little Butterflies

5 little butterflies by the door,
1 flew away, then there were 4.

4 little butterflies by the tree,
1 flew away, then there were 3.

3 little butterflies up in the blue,
1 flew away, then there were 2.

2 little butterflies out in the sun,
1 flew away, then there was 1.

1 little butterfly now all alone,
She was so lonely, she flew home.

19th – 23rd June

It’s Sports Week this week at The Children’s House!! We are spreading out the sports activites over the whole week instead of just the one day, as the children love doing all the different activities so much! Therefore, on different days, the children will be taking part in egg & spoon races, trying to hit hoops & balls on targets, jumping hurdles, doing penguin races with ball between their legs, bean bag balancing races, cone zig zag races, obstacle courses, & of course warming up & cooling down stretches & activities among others!!

Also, on Thursday, we will be having the amazingly talented Angela from Super Smiley Parties coming to do balloon twisting & make wonderful creations for all of the children – another fun week ahead!!

Sports Week Time

Fasten your laces, toes behind the line,
The sun is shining, it’s sports week time!
It’s time to have races, it’s time to have fun,
On your marks, get set, jump! hop! run!

12th – 16th June

This week we will be covering a couple of different topics – water safety & ‘The Man in my Life’ being the main ones!! It will be a really fun week as we start off with Pyjama Day, where all the children – AND staff! – come to school in their pyjamas & just relax & nap for the day…only joking, it’s too much fun to be dozing off during! Then we will be doing yoga on Tuesday, & sponge painting, as well as making handprint pictures for the Man in my Life – this is so children can choose a man in their lives to give a picture to at the weekend when Father’s Day falls; not everyone might be lucky enough to have their dad around, but maybe an uncle or grandad or even a neighbour might be a positive person in their lives! We will also be learning about water safety this week, so it promises to be busy as well as fun!!

Row Your Boat

Row, row, row your boat,
Gently down the stream,
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is but a dream!

Row, row, row your boat,
Gently down the stream,
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
If you see a crocodile don’t forget to scream!

6th – 9th June

We will be talking all about transitions this week at The Children’s House – whether it is a transition next year to a new class, a new preschool or a new primary school! Discussing upcoming change with children in an appropriate way is so important, to help them prepare themselves for it  – some children don’t like the idea of any change, so normalising it can help them feel prepared & positive about it. To this end, we will be talking about changing classes or schools, & asking past students/siblings to come in to talk to the children about going to primary school, show them schoolbags, uniforms etc & talk about the important things like what to bring for their lunch!! We will also be bringing the children who will be starting in Sallins primary school next September for a visit on Friday, to see the classrooms & the layout of the school.

Also, on Thursday we will be doing the Big Toddle to raise money for Barnardos Children’s Charity to support vulnerable children in Ireland, so if your child wants to dress up as a Superhero please let them feel free!!

Mary Had a Little Lamb

Mary had a little lamb,
Whose fleece was white as snow.
And everywhere that Mary went,
The lamb was sure to go.

It followed her to school one day,
Which was against the rules,
It made the children laugh & play,
To see a lamb at school!

29th May – 2nd June

It’s Biodiversity week at The Children’s House! We will be talking with the children about what biodiversity is, & how important it is to protect our world & the plants & animals in it, down to the smallest fungi & even bacteria. The children will be making earth pictures using balloons & paint, doing rock printing & enjoying using their imaginations to come up with ideas on how to make art using objects from we find in nature!

The Biodiversity Song


22nd – 26th May

It’s going to be an exciting week at The Children’s House, as we will be going on our school tour on Friday!! Therefore, we will be spending the days leading up to it preparing for the big day – talking about how we stay safe when we’re out & about, practising lining up & walking outside with partners, learning about road safety, & discussing how we might behave on the bus & at the Playbarn! We will also be doing a compliment circle with the children, which is a lovely activity where each child thinks about the person next to them & tells them 1 thing they like about them; this supports children in learning how to give & receive compliments.

Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes

Head, shoulders, knees and toes,
Knees and toes,
Head, shoulders, knees & toes,
Knees and toes,
And eyes and ears and mouth and nose…
Head, shoulders, knees and toes,
Knees and toes!

15th – 19th May

This week at The Children’s House we will be doing all sorts of fun things like talking about hobbies & careers, dressing up, baking, & having a Teddy Bears’ Picnic!! We will be talking to the children about what they like to do in their spare time – e.g. art, sports, imaginative play, yoga, construction, drama – & talk about how important it is to explore all these things as this is how they may find their talents & end up one day working in it, as well as it being so important for relaxation & unwinding, & therefore having a positive impact on mental health.

We will be making scented playdough & matching different sets of it, a really lovely sensorial activity, & making cupcakes later in the week. On Friday the children can bring in their favourite teddy or toy, & we will have a teddy bears’ picnic with them!

Teddy Bears’ Picnic

If you go down to the woods today,
You’re sure of a big surprise.
If you go down to the woods today,
You’d better go in disguise!
For all the bears there ever there was,
Will gather there for certain because,
Today’s the day the Teddy Bears have their picnic!

Picnic time for teddy bears,
The littel teddy bears are having a lovely time today,
Watch them, catch them unawares
And see them picnic on their holiday.

8th – 12th May

We will be focusing on finishing the children’s All About Me books with them, containing pages they have done work on since September, so it’s a lovely thing to help them create, a real journey of their year in preschool! Along with this we will be doing some activities around following instructions & directions, games like Simon Says & direction games with a teddy bear. For children starting primary school in September the skill of following instructions is very important, & it is things like this along with promoting independence skills such as dressing themselves & opening/closing lunchboxes that we will be practising with the children in these last couple of months.

All Of Me!

My hands are for clapping,
My arms can hug tight,
My fingers can snap or turn out the light.
My legs are for jumping,
My eyes help me see,
This is my body & I love all of me!!