22nd – 26th November

It’s our last full week in November, unbelievably, & it’s also College Awareness Week! So this week we are asking the children to bring in photos of their parents/siblings/grandparents at graduation time, from primary, secondary or third level education – we will be adding these to our wall as part of celebrating lifelong learning with the children, who are at the very start of their learning journey!!

Ceann, lámha, glúine, cos

Ceann, lámha, glúine, cos,                      (Head, hands, knees, foot)
Ceann, lámha, glúine, cos,                      (Head, hands, knees, foot)
Agus súile, cluasa, béal agus srón,        (And eyes, ears, mouth and nose)
Ceann, lámha, glúine, cos!                      (Head, hands, knees, foot)

Bualadh Bos (Jingle Bells in Irish)

Bualadh bos, bualadh bos,            (clap hands, clap hands)
Bualadh bos go léir,                        (everyone clap hands)
Tá San Nioclás ag teacht anois,    (Santa Claus is coming now)
Anuas an simléar;                             (down the chimney)
Bualadh bos, bualadh bos,            (clap hands, clap hands)
Bualadh bos go léir,                        (everyone clap hands)
Tá San Nioclás ag teacht anois,    (Santa Claus is coming now)
Anuas an simléar!                             (down the chimney!)

15th – 19th November

We will be learning all about our galaxy The Milky Way, & our solar system this week at The Children’s House! This is continuing on our group project after doing our Big Bang experiment a few weeks ago, and focussing on the part of the universe where we have our home, trying to give the children bit of an idea of the enormity of the universe & how tiny the earth is in it – hard to get your head around even as an adult! The children will be doing solar system art, and at the end of the week, planets hopscotch – another fun week of learning ahead!!

Solar System

There are 8 planets in our solar system,
We all revolve around the sun.
Join us to learn about the different planets,
Sing along & have some fun!


8th – 12th November

It’s all about migration this week at The Children’s House! We will be talking about the reasons why animals migrate at winter time (e.g. seasonal/weather changes, to find better living or breeding conditions, to access food easier), & specifically looking at certain animals that migrate to & from Ireland such as swallows, martins, swifts etc who go south to Africa for warmer weather in the winter, while geese & swans arrive here from northern latitudes like Iceland, Greenland & Canada as we are 1 of the most northerly countries in the world where the soil & water doesn’t freeze in winter time for long periods of time. The children will be making a bird crafts during the week, looking at the globes to see how far some animals travel, & talking about their own favourite animals!


In wintertime, many an animal moves,
To a warmer place til the weather improves.
This yearly change of one’s location,
Is known as seasonal migration!

1st – 5th November

Welcome back after the midterm, we hope you all had a wonderful Halloween! It’s hard to believe it’s November already, & winter is definitely starting to set in, so we’ll be talking about the change of month & season this week with the children, as well as Diwali, the festival of lights which originated in India, which starts this Thursday 4th November. This is a wonderful occasion which celebrates the triumph of good over evil, and light over darkness; we will be learning about all the different preparations and rituals that are practised at this time, & the children will be making Diwali candles with paper plates & crepe paper.

Cloudy Day

I see clouds, they look so puffy,
Big & little, light & fluffy.
Clouds block the sun, they bring the shade,
Look really closely, see what pictures are made!
I really don’t mind a cloudy day,
But look out – rain could be on the way!

18th – 22nd October

Halloween has crept up fast, and this week at The Children’s House we will be making everything as Halloweeny as possible!! The children will be doing pumpkin carving, spider web art, learning about the parts of a pumpkin, making pumpkin soup, & at the end of the week having a Halloween party & lots of fun games!!

Don’t forget that your child can come into school dressed up on Friday, & have a great midterm break – Happy Halloween everyone, hope you all have a great & spooky time!!!

I’m A Little Pumpkin (tune: I’m a Little Teapot)

I’m a little pumpkin, short & round,
I grow on a vine,
And on the ground.
I start as a seed, and grow & grow,
Soon I am ready
To be carved and glow!

Incy Wincy Spider

Incy wincy spider climbed up the water spout
Down came the rain & washed the spider out!
Out came the sun & dried up all the rain….
And incy wincy spider

Climbed up the spout again!

11th – 15th October

It’s all things gardening-related this week at The Children’s House! The children will be learning all about the life cycle of plants, as well as looking at our earth & the 3 elements of land, air & water, & classifying pictures under those 3 categories; then at the end of the week they will be planting their own bulbs – bring on the green fingers!!

Gardening Song (tune: Muffin Man)
Curl up like a tiny seed, tiny seed, tiny seed,
Warm sun is what you need,
Now you can start growing!
Drink the rain and start to rise, start to rise, start to rise,
Stretch up tall, arms open wide,
Now a flower is showing!

4th – 8th October

This week we will be starting our group project, as well as focussing on our emotions for the week! Sometimes young children can find it hard to express how they are feeling, and naming and discussing those feelings, and how it is appropriate to deal with them, can be very helpful to them. For this reason, we will firstly be looking at different emotions (e.g. happy, sad, angry, lonely, loved, jealous), recognising them in ourselves and talking about what we do when we feel like that. We will be focussing on relaxation techniques like yoga, and deep breathing, expression of emotions through using puppets, and appropriate vs inappropriate ways of expressing emotions – emotional regulation is a huge thing for young children to learn, so we try to support them in this in preschool as much as we can.

Speaking of explosions (!!) we will be beginning our group project learning about the universe, so we will be talking about the Big Bang and doing an experiment to demonstrate how it happened almost 14 million years ago – be warned, there will be lots of glitter involved so be prepared for sparkly children!!

If You’re Happy & You Know It (with Lámh signs)

If you’re happy & you know it clap your hands,
If you’re happy & you know it clap your hands,
If you’re happy & you know it & you really want to show it –
If you’re happy & you know it clap your hands!

If you’re sad & you know it wipe your tears…
If you’re angry & you know it stamp your feet…
If you’re tired & you know it rest your head…
If you’re happy & you know it shout hooray!!

27th September – 1st October

It’s friendship week at The Children’s House!! We’re going to be talking all about what makes a good friend – we even have a recipe!!! A pinch of happiness, 1 handful of kindness, 2 spoonfuls of gentleness, 1 litre of sharing, a tablespoon of helpfulness, 50g of smiles, a sprinkling of cheerfulness, & 100g of love – mix all the ingredients together & then you will have a perfect friend!!

The children will be doing baking with their friends, making stewed apple, and later in the week making a Friendship Tree in the classroom with their handprints. As well as this they will be having great fun playing ‘Duck, duck, goose’ outdoors in the garden – a lovely week ahead for all our little friends!

Do You See? (tune: Muffin Man)
Do you see our friend Joe, our friend Joe, our friend Joe?
Do you see our friend Joe, somewhere in the room?
Yes, I see our friend Joe, our friend Joe, our friend Joe.
Yes, I see our friend Joe, somewhere in the room.

20th – 24th September

Hi everyone, this week is Fire Safety week at The Children’s House!! The children are going to learn all about what we would do if there was ever a fire, and we will have the first of our monthly fire drills – this is a really important thing to do in order to try & take as much fear as possible out of the idea of there ever being a fire. When the fire drill is practised regularly then it becames a routine, & the children automatically know when they hear the fire alarm that they stop playing, exit the building & line up to get their names called.

We will be making firefighter hats & doing fun activities like pretending to be firefighters & putting out a pretend fire in the garden!

A Little Fire (tune: Mary had a Little Lamb)
Someone saw a little fire, little fire, little fire,
Someone saw a little fire,
And they called for help…HELP!!!
The firefighters waved a hose, waved a hose, waved a hose,
The firefighters waved a hose,
And put out the fire!

13th – 17th September

It’s all about Autumn this week at The Children’s House! The children are settling really well & getting used to their classes & routines, so this week we thought we’d do some fun art & science activities relating to Autumn. There will be an Autumn construction site sensory bin (located where the sand pit normally is!!), we will be doing a dancing corn Autumn science experiment – using dried corn kernels, baking soda & white vinegar, and at the end of the week the children will be doing leaf painting, always a really fun activity! Please encourage your children to bring in things for the nature table in their classrooms, and any leaves collected can be used for their paintings. The children will also be working on their birthday displays in the classroom, so a busy week ahead!!

Autumn Winds

Autumn winds begin to blow,
Coloured leaves fall fast and slow.
Whirling, twirling all around,
Till at last they reach the ground.