May 14, 2024 admin

13th – 17th May

Welcome back after last week’s break! We will be doing a lovely end of year project with the children this week, making Worry Dolls with them – this is a tradition that we do every year with the children; these are a traditional Guatemalan peg doll that the children can confide their worries in and the dolls are meant to take the worries away. We tell the children that they should always tell their parents/guardians/teachers about their worries, but if for instance they are awake in the middle of the night and need a bit of comfort, the worry dolls are a lovely support ❤️❤️

As well as this, we will be looking at the primary colours & colour mixing – making orange from red & yellow, green from yellow & blue, & purple from blue & red. Then at the end of the week on Friday we will be holding a Pyjamas Day, where the children can come into school in their pyjamas, which will be great fun – it’s always a favourite activity towards the end of the year! The children are welcome to bring in their favourite book with them on the day.

May Poem

May is the month of sunshine & flowers,
Birds in their nests, & one or two flowers,
Games to play & kites to fly, or just looking at the sky,
We could spend a year this way, if the year was made of May!