Beannachtaí Lá Fhéile Bríde!! Happy St Brigids Day & a very big welcome to Spring at last!!! 

We hope you’re all keeping well – as you know, we’re starting our zoom calls this week to the classes, & we hope your children will be able to join in for even 1 of the 2 weekly check ins, we can’t wait to see them!! As normal we are sending on some weekly activities, this week though is a little bit different as they are based on philosophising with children which is all about using open-ended questions, discussions & using ‘what if…’ & ‘I wonder…’ statements 
– trying not to ask leading questions but just to encourage critical thinking – young children have that innately if we just encourage & support it, using a conversation starting point like a particular story, video or picture. To this end, you could ask your child a fun question (e.g. ‘what would you rather have – 4 legs, 6 eyes or 2 mouths?!’) & ask them to think about their answer & explain why – obviously there are no right or wrong answers here!!

Attached below is an emotions wheel & relaxation thermometer, if you would like to use them with your children in order to support them in talking about their feelings & using deep breathing or other strategies to help them relax when needed. The song this week is also about emotions ‘If you’re happy & you know it’ – don’t hold back & go all out doing happy, sad, angry & tired faces & actions with your children!!

Take care & keep in touch, from all of us here at The Children’s House xx