May 28, 2024 admin

27th – 31st May

This week at The Children’s House we will be having a fun week celebrating summer, as well as having our Sports Day on Thursday!! The children will be doing sea shell painting, dressing up, & a lovely exercise of positive affirmations -it’s so important to get into the habit of being positive about yourself (something as adults we’re not always so good at!!), so we’ll be getting the children to listen to affirmations such as ‘I can do hard things’, ‘I am loved’, ‘I am kind to myself & others’, ‘I am beautiful inside & out’, ‘I am a problem solver’, ‘I love myself as I am’ – and choosing one to say about themselves, or to think of a different positive statement about themselves.

Five Little Flowers

Five little flowers growing in a row
The first one said “I’m purple you know”
The second one said “I’m pink as pink can be”
The third one said “I’m blue as the sea”
The fourth one said “I’m a very red fellow”
And the fifth one said “My colour is yellow”
Then out came the sun, big and bright,
And the five little flowers smiled in delight!