September 3, 2024 admin

2nd – 6th September

The first full week at The Children’s House is here, & it’s going to be a busy one! The children will be creating their own rules for the classroom (all part of the Montessori ethos of respect, care of self & care of the environment) – they will be asked to think about what might be needed in order to make their classes safe & happy for all, & what they decide on together will be written down, so they have ownership of these rules. They will then be displayed up on the wall for all to see & live by!

We will be practising how we walk slowly, talk quietly, carry chairs and trays in the classroom (refining gross motor movements). The children will also be starting their All About Me books – as part of this they will be measured to record their height at the start of the school year, which can then be compared to their height at the end of the year; they will also be doing self-portraits – very cute!! At the end of the week we will be doing Music & Movement, which is always a big hit with the children!

All Of Me!

My hands are for clapping,
My arms can hug tight,
My fingers can snap or turn out the light.
My legs are for jumping,
My eyes help me see,
This is my body & I love all of me!!