June 4, 2019 admin

4th – 7th June

It’s a new month, and the start of the last one of the school year here at The Children’s House, hard to believe!! We will be discussing all about growing up this week, with the school year moving on swiftly & a lot of the children getting ready to go to primary school next September. With this in mind, we have arranged for the older children to go on a visit to Sallins primary school where we get a little tour of some of the school – we are shown the library, fish tank, the playground full of children at break time, and we get to see one of the junior infants classes and learn important information such as where the toilets are! Children can often become nervous at the thoughts of transitioning from the safety of preschool, and we find the visit to ‘big school’ really does a lot to reassure the children about this change, and opens up lots of conversations about it. Also, learning such basic facts like the location of the toilets can take the stress away from children about having to ask their teacher in school if they are shy or embarrassed about these type of things. It is an exciting time for your children and we always focus on the positivity of this step in their journey of learning, even though we don’t look forward to them finishing up with us as we will miss them so much!!

Nursery Rhymes

Little Miss Moffet
Humpty Dumpty
Hickory Dickory Dock
Five Little Ducks
Incy Wincy Spider