September 10, 2024 admin

9th – 13th September

It’s getting very Autumnal this week at The Children’s House! We’ll be talking about the changes that the season is bringing that the children can already notice in their world – e.g. leaves changing colour before they fall off the trees, weather getting colder, days getting shorter & nights getting longer….then we will do a little science experiment using a torch & a globe, showing how the different parts of the earth experience seasons as they orbit the sun throughout the year!

We will also be looking at apples – halving them to use for apple printing, but examining their insides before using them, & noticing the colour & shape of the insides, & the seeds we can see there. Following on from this we will be introducing a space for our nature table, & encouraging children to bring in items from their gardens, or from walks, to put on it. Also, at the end of the week we will be doing some relaxing yoga, a great habit to practice from an early age!!

Head Shoulders Knees & Toes

Head, shoulders, knees & toes, knees & toes,

Head, shoulders, knees & toes, knees & toes,

And eyes and ears and mouth and nose…

Head, shoulders, knees & toes, knees & toes!


Ceann Lámha Gluaine Cos

Ceann, lámha, gluaine, cos,

Ceann, lámha, gluaine, cos,

Agus súil agus cluas agus béal agus srón…

Ceann, lámha, gluaine, cos!