It’s all about art appreciation this week in The Children’s House!! The afternoon classes will be experimenting with colour mixing, while the morning classes will be learning about the artist Kandinsky, and creating their own masterpieces later in the week! They will also be philosophising about whether colours can represent our emotions.
At the moment in the classroom there are many practical life activities out on the shelf which can easily be reproduced at home – as that is exactly what practical life activities are: activities that the child sees in their own home environment, and the objective is to give them confidence in carrying out these activities in order to grow in independence. For example, pouring grain – all you need to set up is a tray with 2 jugs, 1 full of rice/pasta, and when the child feels competent at this activity it can be made more challenging by changing to pouring water/pouring using a funnel. Another example would be cleaning a baby’s bottle – for this activity you need to set up a tray with a baby bottle, bowl of water, bottle brush and drying cloth. The children will be familiar with the steps in the activity and will work away to their heart’s content!
The Colour Song (tune: If You’re Happy & You Know It)
If your clothes have any red, any red,
If your clothes have any red, any red,
If your clothes have any red, put your finger on your head,
If your clothes have any red, any red!