April 16, 2024 admin

15th – 19th April

We’re going to be having another week of music appreciation this week at The Children’s House following on from all the fun last week! We will be learning all about composers, conductors & their roles in the orchestra, playing musical instruments from the different families of the orchestra (string, woodwind, brass, percussion), doing drum painting, and moving to different types of music with streamers.

We’re still having family members coming in to join us in the classes & play an instrument or sing a song for us, and we would love to have more, so just please let us know!

Elsie the Elephant

Elsie is an elephant who wants to play,
She is musical & big & grey.
She is good at singing Mi Re Do,
That’s why the little children love her so!

(youtube link: https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=elsie+the+elephant+song#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:7048e629,vid:nsYv-7ax-w4,st:0)