February 27, 2024 admin

26th February – 1st March

It’s going to be a week of well-being here at The Children’s House, as we pause to slow down, take in our surroundings, & check in with our bodies. The children will be doing some mindful breathing and yoga, body scans & 5 senses grounding in the garden, & playing games like mirror twins, dressing up & musical chairs!

It’s a wonderful thing to try to help instil a sense of themselves in the children at this age, to be aware of what their bodies are feeling like & if they need to stretch/ calm down/ relax etc – & then to do that by deep slow breathing, or yoga poses, or mindfulness. If they start practising habits of well-being at this stage then hopefully these habits will stay with them as they get older, as self-help strategies & supports in life.

You Can Be Whatever You Want To Be (poem)

You can be whatever you want to be,
There are so many choices, let’s have a look & see –
A firefighter, a ballet dancer, a race car driver who likes to zoom,
Think about what’s interesting, the choice is up to you!
You can like any book, movie or toy,
Nothing in this world is just for a girl or boy!